Folyosó Autumn 2023 - Page 2

Why Are Mistakes Important?

Márk Gál

Mistakes: they usually happen when things go wrong. They can be quite annoying, but they have very important lessons for their perpetrator, could cause something to fail (for example: could cause someone to lose his/her life or a reign to fall), or somebody draws an opportunity from someone else’s mistake, to take advantage of it.

Teachings of mistakes: you can hardly get any experience without failures. Great artists, athletes, and others are never born perfectly. They acquire their skills by practicing and learning, and when they practice they make mistakes. They actually know what should change in their ways because of them. I too have learned from my faults: for instance, to save a game or file more often because I have lost a lot of things in many games. Also when I was writing this text, there was a blackout, and I had to start again from the second sentence.

Some mistakes which influenced history: 1. The fall of the Soviet Union. The leaders often weren’t thinking rationally, so firstly they killed millions of people (who would have been useful) or sent them into labor camps (where their labor wasn’t so much useful as free). Their citizens came to hate them because of it, and fomented rebellions and revolutions, so when Gorbachev decided to loosen the restrictions drastically, the people chose to rebel, and the government didn’t  have the tools to beat them down or to convince them they were wrong, so they let the nations leave the Soviet Union They were also spending their resources, mainly for the military and not for a prosperous economy, so they ended up depleted of many resources. 2. The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. There were many failures on that day and before. a. The CIA and FBI had much information and even some rumours of Lee Harvey Oswald, but instead of sharing their information with each other, they just competed and didn’t search for him. b. Kennedy shared his itinerary in advance, so the assassin could start to make his plan. c. The police didn’t even secure the area so our sniper could find a perfect position to make a good shot. d. The president’s car also wasn’t the safest, as it was a simple cabrio without bulletproof plates and glasses, and the backseats were higher so most of the people could see him; thus, the sniper had quite easy work to deal with (probably just a “shoot here” label missing from his back). And these were all mistakes.

My general opinion of mistakes is that they are essential because they show us our deficiencies and can lead to great changes; on the other hand, they make us vulnerable and can shut out other options or opportunities.

Of course I would be happier if I made fewer of them.

I Miss You

Mira Melinda Csépe

I was in kindergarten… I didn’t know anyone, I felt lonely.

Every day I was afraid to let go of my mother’s hand at the kindergarten gate.

One day, when I was playing alone in the yard in the sandpit, I saw a little boy who was also sitting alone on the swing.

I thought a lot about whether to go there or not, but in the end I took courage and walked over to him.

At first he was a little afraid to approach me, but as time went by we became better and better friends…

Weeks and months passed and we spent every day together. We became inseparable.

Then kindergarten ended.. It was time for school.

We went to the same school. We shared everything with each other, we knew everything about each other, even our most feared secrets, we adored each other.

Years passed and we found ourselves coming to high school… both of us were changing both inside and outside, but we were still the most important to each other, and we stood by each other through good and bad times.

We had good days and bad days, we quarreled many times, but we were each other’s soul mates and always reconciled..

Time passed more and more, we got older and older, but time didn’t separate us either.

One day we had a big fight over some stupid thing, but this time was different..

We hurt each other.

We didn’t talk for days, and I felt really bad..

I missed talking to him, his caress and his presence.. I felt closed without him.

The days passed, and once my phone rang. His mom called me, I didn’t know why she was calling, but I answered the phone and she just said that she is very sorry but my best friend died.

I couldn’t speak, I was broken.

I felt that I had lost my other half and the person with whom I feel the happiest.

With him I felt free. But this freedom disappeared, and instead I felt insecurity.

I can’t put into words how it feels that we parted in anger and that I spoke to him for the last time.

I’m trying to find a way out of this confinement and be happy again.

I think about him every day and miss him more and more.

I wish I could give you one last hug.

(This is a fictional story.)


Dominik Nemcsok

Everybody makes mistakes. Mistakes are inevitable for a human being, but not just people can make mistakes. Nowadays new technical innovations appear day to day. Most of these inventions are designed to help people. But we should ask: What if a computer makes a mistake?

If someone makes a mistake, depending on what kind of mistake has been made, different consequences can occur. For instance, when a student makes a lot of mistakes on a test, he gets a lower grade, or when somebody decides to sleep for 10 more minutes, he might miss the bus. I think these smaller kinds of mistakes have happened to everybody. But sometimes greater mistakes are made. For example, imagine when a playground is not maintained properly and a child gets injured. In a case like that the police investigates the case, and the court decides what should happen to those responsible. It is straightforward what happens to people making mistakes, because the laws and rules of most countries are fair, reasonable, and well-considered.

However, legislatives and governments are usually not able to keep up with the quickly innovating world. I would like to take the topic of self-driving vehicles as an example. Even now there are a lot of cars on the road with very advanced “driver-assistance” features and even some that are completely self-driving, for example, some taxis in Los Angeles. However, nowadays the capabilities of these computer-driven vehicles are highly limited. But that makes me return to my previous question: What if a computer makes a mistake?

What will happen when self-driving cars are driving people around all over the world, and a deadly accident happens? Whose fault will it be? What if the car hits a pedestrian? If that were to happen today when the “driver-assistance” features of the car are enabled, it would probably still be the fault of the driver. Because when someone turns on this function, the manufacturer makes the driver note that he must take control of the vehicle whenever necessary, and that the car is not completely capable of driving itself. But if this would happen with a vehicle that is one hundred percent self-driving? It is unclear whose fault it would be. Who and how should be punished? In my opinion, it couldn’t be the driver, because he wouldn’t have any control in a situation like that. But then, should it be the fault of the people who designed the car’s driving software or the company in general that made the car?

I believe that everyone thinks of these questions differently, but it is crucially important to be careful about technologies that can be dangerous for anyone and anything. We shouldn’t make mistakes that everyone would regret. It is our responsibility to make the right decisions.

The Room with No Soul

Ella Reynolds

Yesterday she had un-done herself. The unwinding had met its end and begun to escape the reasons to return. So she closed the storage cupboard, gear in hand, not dwelling on the happenings of mere days before.

She makes her way down the passage, to the room with no soul. The foul smell of a rotten corpse begins to fill her lungs, so she breathes it in ever so slightly deeper. She doesn’t hesitate nor fret to open the unhinged door and peers at the gallivanting maggots with their fly foes who gather at the site of decomposition. Instead, she pulls her limbs close as she bends to the floor to reach over and close the pointless eyes. Now that there is no one watching, she fiddles with the trash bag to find the opening and sets it aside. First she gloves her hands and sets her laptop away from the site and presses play on the tutorial for a Constrictor knot. She replays and readjusts until she’s sure it will work. The restrictions lessen and she begins her descent into madness. The limbs are bound, hence the ripping of tape that bounces off the walls. The body is now a garbage bag that she can throw over her shoulder and into the forgotten land fills.

She rounds the corner, lit by a lonely lamppost, and opens the bin. She heaves the body over her shoulder and stares holes through the times that are only memories now. She swiftly closes it with a lack of remorse just as she’d plunged into the chest of the oppressor. A joyful whistle fills the air as she makes her way to the house she had never called a home. A marionette pulls her into the act of tidying up and the unwinding reverses. The splatters of blood that litter her hallway are uninvited with the bleach she’d bought on the way back. The screws of the door are forced back into place as though nothing had happened. And with that, the doubt lying in the mirror, the food on the dinner table and the clothes she wore that day all lie at the bottom of a landfill site next week Tuesday.

The Bird

Márk Kovács

The bird is free, there is no limit for him.
There is no time for him, no space.
There is only the big blue sky.

The bird flies high, then rests on a tree
and observes the blue sky from there.
Then he spreads his two wings and happily crosses infinity.

His life floats, there is no prison for him,
only sweet freedom.
He is not addicted to anything,
neither place nor time.
He just flies away happily on high.

There Must Be

Léda Karmazin

Who am I in this Universe?
Who will I be in the future?
Questions for which there are no answers yet,
but I know what I feel on the inside.
Riding the waves to feel the wind, that’s what I want, to glimpse the lives of unseen creatures,
that’s my desire.
To fly high above the clouds,
I dream of that.
There must be a place in the human body,
deep inside,
where the feeling of freedom is.
I put on my headphones,
only music and music and music and music and music, because there is nothing better than hearing “Take me out tonight, Where there’s music and there’s people, And they’re young and alive.”* 

*(Quotation from “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out” by The Smiths)

A Different Angle

Janka Krech

September 17, 2002. It was a cold, foggy morning, and Bryan was on his way to school. He just started fifth grade, but he already hated it. While he was walking, his old bully, Ethan, passed him by bike. Ethan shouted “Wow, look who’s looking extra ugly today! Did your mommy make that scarf for you and make you put it on?”.  Bryan just tried to ignore it; deep inside it hurt him as usual, but he kept on walking. Ethan started laughing and left him there.

When Bryan got to school, the class had already started. He was seven minutes late. When he got to the classroom and knocked on the door, Ethan said “oh! guess who’s late again.” The teacher, Mr. Mayfield, started yelling at him. “How is it not possible to get here in time? If you’re late ever again, you’ll be sitting in detention.”

When the kids were having lunch at the canteen, Ethan “accidentally” poured some soup on Bryan’s head. The kid felt so embarrassed and ashamed again, he almost burst into tears, but he knew he couldn’t do that. This pattern continued for years.

This bullying pleased Ethan’s soul; however, sadly he also experienced his own pain every day. His mother passed away three years ago. Before all that, they were a complete, loving family. Ethan was a good kid who loved to play, read, and go out on walks with his family and friends. But since his mom wasn’t there for him, everything turned into the exact opposite. Ethan hated being at home, hated his own family, hated the way he couldn’t open up to anyone. On top of that, every time he tried to talk to his dad about his thoughts, his father didn’t have any time for him, told him to go away or even beat him up for no reason.

Deep down, Ethan knew that Bryan and he should be friends instead, as they were suffering from the same pain. This feeling was also reinforced by a history test that Ethan couldn’t study for as he was physically abused again by his father the previous night. Bryan realized that Ethan was almost in tears, so he decided to help him pass the test.

At that moment, Ethan didn’t say a word, yet the guilt was haunting him. He knew he should say sorry somehow, even though he felt like his soul was chained, with limited freedom.

For weeks he was affected by tension, but eventually he gathered all his strength and tried to apologize. He was so anxious, he couldn’t look into Bryan’s eyes. They had a deep conversation. Bryan explained how he felt about all the things Ethan had put him through. Ethan also told his side of the story, including his mother’s death and his father’s abuse.

This deep conversation freed their minds, and they both looked at each other from a different angle.

Bryan accepted the apology and they became best friends for good.


Fanni Farkas

BAMM! The gates of the cave suddenly slammed shut. The treasure hunter turned around nervously. He knew there was no other way out. He grabbed the heavy casket and set it on the floor. The hunter opened the casket. There were so many pieces of gold, diamond and silver jewelry that he could not count them. He was so happy, but then the joy blew away as fast as it came. ‘What am I gonna do with all this when I’m stuck?’ he thought ‘This isn’t worth anything in this old cave! If someone would rescue me, I would give all this treasure to him! I don’t want it anymore! Just free me! I’m begging! Please…’

’Damn it there’s still thirty minutes left!’ she thought while sitting in a boring class. She could not focus at all on what the teacher was saying. She looked out of the window. The weather was beautiful. The Sun was shining brightly in the sky, there were no clouds, and the trees swayed softly in the wind. All of a sudden two birds flew onto the windowsill. Two pretty doves. They looked at the girl who was looking at them from the classroom, and then they flew away. The girl sighed. ‘I wish I could be as free as them! No school, no homework…I could do whatever I wanted!’

Who would have guessed that a prisoner and a student had so much in common?


Eszter Forvith

Jon Smith had just celebrated his 34th birthday a few months ago. He had been working at an office for a fairly good salary. He had a nice apartment and a car that he usually used for going to work, but not on this day.

Since his car was in service, he decided to walk to his workplace. Although there were a lot of people around him he didn’t really pay attention to anyone. He was not thinking of anything in particular, he knew the way to the office by instinct, since that was the place he had spent the last eight years of his life. He wasn’t upset or proud of all these years he had spent at the company, but sometimes at the end of the day it gave him an unsettling feeling. Something did not seem right.

As he was about to cross the road, a stranger bumped into him from behind. Not having the time to stop and properly apologize, the stranger could only shout back a “sorry” before he disappeared in the crowd again. “How impolite,” Jon thought to himself, before stepping into his workplace.

He sat down at his table and arranged his papers as usual, but as he was about to start working he heard someone knocking at the door. “Come in,” he said, not looking up. The door opened and a young man appeared at the doorstep. Although it was clear that he had tried to dress as elegantly as possible, the outcome was just not proper. They exchanged looks and both realized that they had already met. “My name is Tom Wilson and I apologize for my rude behavior earlier,” said the young man, breaking the awkward silence. “It’s alright,” answered Jon quickly. “Your table is right there.” Jon pointed at a table across the room, which was now Tom Wilson’s working desk. Although it seemed that Tom wanted to say other things as well, he decided to keep his thoughts to himself and quietly sat down at his desk. The day went by just like every other day before it. and the end of the working hours was closer every minute. Just as Jon was about to leave the building, a young man tapped him on the shoulder. It was Tom. He had a bright smile on his face. So bright in fact that it almost seemed genuine. “Are you free tonight?” he asked. “Since we will be working in the same office from now on, I thought I could invite you for a drink. I know a great pub nearby.” Jon thought for a moment. He was hesitant, since his everyday routine did not include going to a pub with a man he had just met, but he felt a strange sensation in his chest, so he agreed.

Jon was not the type to drink a lot, unlike Tom, who finished three servings of beer in the first half hour and got drunk. At first they didn’t have much to talk about, but after a while Jon figured out that Tom had a great passion for stamps, which had also been Jon’s biggest passion in high school. They chatted for a while, and then a pleasant silence fell on the table. Tom’s face suddenly turned a bit serious. “Are you happy?” he asked. Jon wasn’t expecting this question, so he was a little taken aback. Since he had had such a good conversation with Tom, he decided to think about the answer and not close the case with a plain yes. He thought to himself, “I have a house, a car, friends and family, a nice job. What else would I need?” As he considered this, he was confident that the answer would be yes, but the words just didn’t come out. He was surprised that his own body, which had been so obedient all these years, would now fail in answering a simple question like that. “Hard question, isn’t it? I have been thinking about it for a while now and I’m still not sure what the right answer would be. Let me ask you something else. Do you feel like you are free?” asked Tom. Jon was scared. He was scared of the truth. “Of course I’m free, what kind of a question is that?” Jon felt his frustration taking over him. “It’s your decision to say whatever you want,” said Tom in a calm tone. Jon felt like he really needed some fresh air. “I have to go home now,” he said quickly as he stood up and walked out of the building. His mind was a mess and he was confused. All the unsettling feelings that he had been having lately showered on him like a cold rain. He couldn’t sleep that night; he kept thinking about those two questions Tom had asked him.

The next day he felt different. Although he could have gone by car to the office, he decided to walk. The road seemed more crowded than usual. Jon looked around. He looked at the people around him but they didn’t look back. He stopped to look around for a moment and it was strange. Everyone had the same expression, everyone did the same thing. They were surviving but not living. He could not see smiling faces or individual expressions.

He could not focus on his work that day, and Tom was not in the office so he could not ask him about what had happened the previous day. On the way home he should have been tired, but he wasn’t. Over the previous two days he had thought a lot about his life. It felt like waking up from a long and suffocating dream. His life was monotonous. At that moment he found it meaningless, as if he had been trapped. He lived in a system that had forced the people to be like slaves, where it was hard to be an individual. Memories of his younger self flashed into his mind. How he planned his future as a kid, how full of life he was. At that moment he decided that this was not the life he wanted to live. And just by that little truth he confessed to himself,he felt like a rock had been lifted off his heart. Maybe he had always known that this had been no life for him, he just couldn’t admit it. That day he went home with a clear conscience.

The next day he went to the office and turned in his letter of resignation. He thanked his boss for the opportunity to work there and said goodbye to all his colleagues except one. He couldn’t find Tom anywhere. His desk was empty, so he asked his boss if something had happened to him. “Tom Wilson? We have never hired a man with that name,” was his boss’s answer.

An Unfixable Life

Adrienn Földi

“Human kind / Cannot bear very much reality.”

— T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets

Of the characters in Tennessee Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie,this quote applies to Amanda the most. She is a woman who once was beautiful, living a glamorous life with many gentleman callers, being popular, enjoying the peak of her life. Then she gets married to someone who ruins her whole reputation and life, so to try to forget about this, she lives in a delusion, in a reality she made up in her head. A good example of this is in Scene One when she keeps bringing up her amazing life as a young woman in Blue Mountain, where she once received seventeen gentleman callers in one day. Assuming that her daughter is popular as she was, she expects gentleman callers for Laura to be arriving any minute, but the reality gets to her when Laura tells her they aren’t expecting anyone. Her illusions persist through most of the play.

“Nonsense! Laura, I’ve told you never, never to use that word. Why, you’re not crippled, you just have a little defect—hardly noticeable, even! When people have some slight disadvantage like that, they cultivate other things to make up for it—develop charm—and vivacity—and—charm! That’s all you have to do! … One thing your father had plenty of—was charm!” I think that this quote really shows how she isn’t even able to face the fact that her own daughter is crippled, because this doesn’t fit into her image of the world where she still has a good life, husband, and children. She wishes that her daughter would be like her in her peak years and tries to forget everything that contradicts this

“I’ll tell you what I wished for on the moon. Success and happiness for my precious children! I wish for that whenever there’s a moon, and when there isn’t a moon, I wish for it, too.” In my view, this quote tells us that after all of this, she loves her children more than anything, because they help her to forget about reality. In some ways that connects them: for instance, their father abandoned not only Amanda but the whole family. This is cut into the whole family’s heart, not just hers; this pain is shared.

“Go, then! Go to the moon—you selfish dreamer!” This is the last thing that Amanda says to her son before he finally leaves the family behind. I think when she says this she finally faces reality, the fact that her son has become just like his father and that her life has fallen apart and will never be fixed, no matter how hard she tries, because her children can’t fix it, and neither can she.