Áron Antal likes to spend his time in nature and in the bordering land around his town; interested in old machinery, cars and motorcycles especially, and things from the mid-nineteenth century to the 90s, as well as the lifestyle of that era, he is trying to include these in his stories and build them a plot, an important role.
Szabina Carvalho wanted to vent about social justice warriors.
Dávid Csáki is no playwright, but a little flexibility never hurt anyone.
Bettina Czékus is a girl who will ignore you while she’s reading.
Lili Forgács is a sixteen-year-old girl with an enormous heart and even larger dreams.
My name is Hunor Gangel and I am just a normal high school student.
Zsófia Gávris is a sixteen-year-old girl who sees the positive side of everything and tries to find the beautiful things in her everydays.
Eszter Aletta Hevesi is a girl from Törökszentmiklós who is really interested in controversies and how to have a better lifestyle. She is always working on to be her best self and help everybody.
Kázmér Kaposvári: I would say I am rather creative and have ideas, but most important of all, I create something out of those ideas.
My name is Lilla Kassai, and my favourite pastime is drawing, painting, reading and listening to music. That’s where I gain my inspiration for my paintings and writings. I am looking for a type of future where I stay in connection with arts.
Viktória Kiss is a soon-to-be sixteen year old girl who advocates for a great balance between fitness and studying.
Defne Lal Koçer knows to get the joy out of life even when it’s wicked.
Ilona Králik is just a girl at the beginning of her life, but she already has big goals for her future.
I am Adél Mihályi, and I am not good at speaking, so I write.
Deniz Pala needs to invest more time in the real world than in fictional ones.
My name is Bernadett Sági and I am so excited, because this is the first time that my work has been published on the internet.
According to Gergely Sülye, the quarantine of 2020 is something you can conveniently use for some serious self-improvement at home.
Alexandra Süveges suggests: ‘be a curse, not cursed.’
Katalin Szabó is a girl who turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans.
Lídia Szabó never knows what is going on but still manages to talk herself out of things.
Sándor Szakács is a guy from Martfű who tends to overcomplicate things.
Bertalán Szegi is just a 16-year-old boy who plays handball and tries to solve his homework.
Sándor Tor says, “I’m just a simple person who likes to try some new things.”
Gréta Tóth says, “Anything you say or do may be used in my story!”
Dorottya Turza: I’m like a book you have to read. A book can’t read itself to you. It doesn’t even know what it’s about.
Petra Varga: Dried roses, pictures, chansons, memories, poems. Rationalist….
Botond Vass is a guy who likes physical activities as well as reading books so he involves these in his everyday routines.
Zsófia Vona is a binge-watcher, who also likes to read amazing stories.
Máté Zupkó is a quiet and sarcastic guy, with low self-confidence, but who still achieved something.