A Found Object

Márk Kovács

It is Friday, 2024. John is 15 years old and a first-year student. John got up at 8 and ate a strawberry-flavored food capsule for breakfast. It has everything: energy, protein, and vitamins. He then left for school in a very interesting vehicle: shaped like a car, and solar. He lives 6 kilometers from the school, but the journey takes one minute with this vehicle. The school is a circular metal building. Everything here works on the principle of robotics. The teachers are robots. It was 10 o’clock, the lesson had started. The first class was Hibernation, one of John’s favorite classes. Mr. Xmen, the teacher, projected the lesson onto the digital wall. John took notes on his tablet and watched Mr. Xmen’s presentation with interest.

Some students in the back of the room started throwing a found object around. Mr. Xmen asked them to give it to him. Everyone looked at this strange thing in amazement. No one knew what it was. Mr. Xmen asked where we had found it. It had been in a box on the shelf: a small, round thing. According to the students, it looked like a mini-UFO made of strange material. John had a great idea. They scanned the object and received the real information on the digital wall.

Hat. To be worn on head. May be used as an accessory or for protection from sunlight.