Letter from the Editor

Folyosó is now four years old! Hooray that the journal continues, that students take pride in contributing to it, and that some even submit work without my prompting. The poems in this issue—by Zalán Nagykovácsi and Hanna Káplár—came into being without an assignment or prompt. Zalán has contributed to Folyosó before; Hanna is letting her work be published for the first time.

In addition to the poems, this issue features stories about utopias and dystopias; futuristic stories about the Varga Katalin Gimnázium (our school); imaginary college application essays; and cover art by Emese Kassai.

Sometimes you can sense dim echoes of literature we have read this year. My 9.C class (most of the contributors to this issue) read The Glass Menagerie, Othello, “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” (and a number of other poems), “In the Garden of the North American Martyrs,” and “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” (which had a great impact), and are now making their way into To Kill a Mockingbird. Such literature gives students access to dimensions of language that other materials do not approach.

Read away, and let us know what you particularly enjoy!


Diana Senechal
Founder and Editor of Folyosó