Dominik Karajos
It was a beautiful, sunny and warm afternoon
as far as I remember in the middle of June.
I was sitting on a bench thinking about life,
‘How will I find myself a loving wife?’
Which is the best way of living life?
Should I let the dogs loose and have a wild ride?
Or have a strict set of rules and an organized life?
The first is too reckless, the second is like jail.
Why should I choose now? I’ve got plenty of time.
Ah, man! I can’t take this anymore!
I can no longer feel my frontal lobe!
Does every teenager feel like this across the globe?
Or it’s just me sitting on a bench all alone?
All alone, but not lonely you know,
because there’s a huge difference between the two!
Alone means that you are fine on your own;
lonely means that you can’t see the help from those who you know.
Not because there’s no help from them, there is,
but loneliness makes you blind, messes up your mind.
You might do things that will haunt you for life.
Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am,
if this is all life could offer then I’m disappointed.
What is the greatest mind worth without a heart?
My brain knows what I need, but my heart knows what I want,
and they are the complete opposites of each other. What am I supposed to do now?
Ladies and Gentlemen, the meaning of life will presently be exposed.
The most important moment we’ve all been waiting for.
Drum roll please! Bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
It’s nothing.
Yes, you heard it right, life has no meaning,
but trust me, I won’t spend the rest of my afternoon grieving.
Actually, I find this answer to be the most relieving
because you are the one who gives life a meaning.
The meaning of my life is to have no regrets.
I don’t want to wake up every day crying “Oh I wish I hadn’t done that!”
That doesn’t mean that I won’t go to parties and stuff like that.
I will just stop feeling sorry about it and will live my life to the fullest.
Later on I will settle somewhere peaceful with the love of my life.
Have a few kids and teach them everything that’s right.
Women are not objects, gays are people too,
never watch a sequel, they are never quite as good.
Love might seem foolish in a world full of hate,
but I would rather be dumb than cause others harm.
I won’t talk about religion with my kids for a good cause.
I don’t want my kids to grow up with the fear of hell in their hearts
I stood up from the bench, I’ve been sitting there for hours:
was it worth it? Yes, I found the answers to my own questions.
I stared at the bench for a few minutes.
The bench looked odd, I didn’t know why.
I looked at my reflection in a shop window,
everything seemed fine until I glimpsed my back. Hello?
The bench that I was sitting on was freshly painted yellow.